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The Effective Junior SuiteScript Developer

Created: November 12, 2020

A few weeks ago I was writing about red flags I commonly see in SuiteScript job postings. That got me to thinking I should put my money where my mouth is and publish my own qualifications for SuiteScript developers.

First, the possible career paths of a NetSuite Developer are as numerous as the paths into NetSuite development in the first place. Many companies will have different ideas, titles, and prerequisites, but I view the SuiteScript Career progressing like so:

  1. Junior Developer
  2. Developer
  3. Senior Developer
  4. Specialization Tracks

I believe anyone, with any background, can become a SuiteScript Developer, and today I want to focus on that Junior Developer entry point. If I were looking to fill a Junior Developer role on a team, here's what I'd be looking for:

Habitual Learner

You make time every day to see, hear, or read something new in your chosen field.

Sponge for Information

You take time every day to absorb the information you learned ^ and make attempts to apply it. Failure is only an instructive trial, never the end.

Seeks Feedback

You actively seek advice and constructive criticism on your work and your ideas.

Welcomes Change

You take the advice and constructive criticism ^ to heart - but not personally - and incorporate the good into your mindset.

Accountable to Yourself

Your mistakes are your own; others' mistakes are an opportunity for teamwork. You are not a victim of your environment. You seek solutions and improvements, never blame.

Natural Collaborator

Your instincts are to learn from others, to work with others, and to lift others up. The rising tide lifts all boats.

Note what's NOT in the list:

  • NetSuite Knowledge
  • JavaScript Knowledge
  • SuiteScript Knowledge
  • Any specific technical skill or knowledge set whatsoever

Technical skill can be taught far faster and easier - especially to someone with these characteristics - than these habits and mindsets can be developed.

These are the qualities which I believe must be turned into intentional habits to form the foundation for a successful career - any career, really. They are not a list of tasks to be checked off; you never "complete" them, and they only become more important once you lose the "junior" in your title.