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How to Ask for SuiteScript Help Effectively

Created: July 29, 2024

During a recent Sustainable SuiteScript AMA, I was asked what mistakes I consistently see SuiteScript beginners make. The original recording is available on my YouTube channel. In this miniseries, I expand on the answer I gave in the live session.

The question used the word "mistakes". I want to re-frame that and talk about three important lessons I believe all new NetSuite developers should learn:

Learn When and How to Ask for Help

What do we do when all that troubleshooting isn't enough?

The third lesson for new SuiteScript developers is learning when and how to ask for help when you get stuck - and I can promise you with complete conviction and absolute certainty:

We all get stuck. Repeatedly.

So, we might as well get really good at being stuck.

Exercise Perseverance Responsibly

Do your due diligence

Show your work

Include context

Where to Ask for Help

  • NSPS
  • SSS
  • Reddit