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I Quit My Job

Created: November 30, 2023

One month ago, after just under two years as a NetSuite developer at Compass Inc, I submitted my resignation set off to once again run Stoic Software full-time.

Since then, aside from changing my LinkedIn job title, I've not published any big announcement or update because the truth is I don't have any big announcement or grand plan to share. What I do want to share with you today is some gratitude, in three parts.

Firstly, I'd like to express deep gratitude to my Compass teammates - especially Kevin Hoelzel, Andy Crumrine, Zack Billiet, and James Pak. All four were kind, patient, talented, and dedicated people; I'm grateful to each of them for bringing me into the fold, getting me up to speed on a seriously complex codebase, and tolerating my relentless quest for process improvements. It was refreshing, enlightening, and humbling to collaborate with these folks every day. I learned new ideas and saw from new perspectives working with them; I could not have asked for a better crew of SuiteScript wranglers. Thank you all for the opportunities, the lessons, and the growth.

Secondly, my gratitude goes out to Salto as they are the primary reason I have this opportunity for self-employment once again. Throughout 2023, I've been partnering with Salto to launch Salto Leap, their skill development platform for business applications like NetSuite. They're also the reason Tim and I are back on the air with SuiteScript Stories, which has been an absolute joy to revive. A short time ago, Salto presented me with an ambitious project doing something I love - creating educational content for NetSuite developers - and I did not want to say no. They've consistently reminded me what it's like to work towards a shared goal as true partners, and I am grateful for all the trust they have placed and continue to place in me. (You can check out the first video to come out of that effort here.)

Lastly, but never least in my mind, is all of you. You who are still here with me, still reading my words. I left you alone - abandoned you, perhaps - for three years, but you haven't given up on me just yet. That's incredible. You are incredible. I am grateful to you for your continued interest in my thoughts and experiences, your continued desire to learn, your continued efforts to improve and grow the SuiteScript community. Thank you, sincerely, from the very most bottomest of my heart.

Again, I have no announcement to make, no promise of new videos or articles or cookbooks, at least not yet. All I have to offer now is conversation - an ear for you to bend. Things have changed significantly in the SuiteScript world recently, and I want to gain a better understanding directly from you how I might be of service again. I am curious to hear about your successes and your struggles, your ideas and your goals.

If there's anything you'd be willing to share, or if you'd just like to commiserate about SuiteScript for a bit, I'd love to hear from you; I'm just one email away.